Update 23/04/2021.

I am looking for brothers and sisters who wish to integrate an organized work, and which functions as in the time of the acts of the apostles but with the modern means of our time.

I need people who are self-sufficient and willing to do a house church, this is what we call an MDLR house church.

The MDLR is not going to impose people on you, you are going to run your house church.

If you wish, your house church will be listed in our directory with an identifier, you will be the admin of your page. You are the one who will decide what will be visible or not, write or not.

You will be a mentor to your disciples and you will teach them following the teachings that are on our website.

If needed, a teaching booklet, booklets for new converts and new testaments will be sent to you free of charge!

When your MDLR house church has grown to a stable size of 10, you will be able to pastor your MDLR church if you feel like you have been called.

If you want to join me in this great work, I invite you to register for free by clicking on this link:

I am looking for non-church brothers and sisters in Christ who wish to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

I need people who are willing to make a house cell in their home, this is what we call an MDLR house church.

The MDLR is not going to impose on you people you don’t know, you are going to run your house church.

Your house church will be listed in our directory with an identifier.

You will be a mentor to your disciples and you will teach them following the teachings of Pastor Serge.

When your MDLR house church has reached a stable size of 10 you will be able to pastor your MDLR church.

If you want to join me in this great work, I invite you to register by clicking on this link:

As the MDLR is an international work, I am also looking for MDLR house churches in all countries.

Pastor Serge.


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